On Target PR: Coverage that Sells

August has been incredible for some of our clients.
Why? Because they’ve won direct sales from the editorial we’ve secured.
PR sometimes gets a bad rap for not visibly boosting the bottom line – it’s not advertising after all.
What it does do (when done well) is positively influence brand loyalty and spending decisions.
An inexact science, but sometimes you strike gold to quiet the critics…
? Coverage for a ladies’ shooting clothing firm in the Telegraph supplement for country sports and retreats. Included product info with prices, images, web address and USPs.
Right place, right brand, right time.
?Guardian scoop for a UK holiday cottages brand. Included in a top 20 round up of dog friendly places to stay landed a number of bookings worth £thousands! Directly clicked and unquestioned – a fraction of our fee!
?Saga Exceptional placement for Ceci Paolo – Saga customers up and down the country bought a summer boredom-busting colouring-in kit recommended for grandparents childminding over the holidays. The prominent placement in the members e-newsletter also exposed the brand to a lucrative customer base. Here’s to a prosperous Autumn/Winter for all Kenland clients!