Freddo Frog & Barbie: Sweet Serendipity

‘Kenland’ isn’t just a Mattel dreamland, it’s our shiny new brand born in Lancashire merging the ‘Kenyon’ and ‘Leyland’ maiden names of founders, Jane & Emma.
Instinct is a powerful tool in PR and something just felt ‘right’ about the name when we began the Kenland journey blending our retail and media relations expertise last year.
The pink and purple website created by the genius designers at Portfolio in Bolton accidentally coincided with the marketing around the Barbie movie launch – how’s that for luck and timing?!
The chocolate Gods have also been kind as we launch (aren’t they always?), granting this sweet opportunity in on why Freddos are used to measure inflation and the cost of living:
Creative director at Kenland Media Relations, Emma Starrs, says: “The frog branding is a cheery wrapper for depressing financial news. They’re a small treat we allow ourselves for calorie count/spend reasons. Mark Twain said: If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. Same is true for swallowing bad news.”
Opportunities like these are part happenchance and part skill in knowing when something has the right ingredients to work. Like Kenland.
Want a hand with your brand story? Then get in touch.
(p.s. payment in Freddos is not accepted)